Fish Questionnaire


The purpose of this fish questionnaire is to assist the Lands and Resources Department in understanding where and how members practice their traditional rights with concerns to fishing. This questionnaire seeks to gather information on where fish are harvested, what fish are harvested, how they are harvested, and what significant barriers are in place that limits this fish harvesting. This important knowledge helps the Lands and Resources Department to inform further decisions about the land and how it can be better managedin the future, so it can support you as well. This survey is anonymous and please answer honestly.

Thank you for your participation!

General Information

  1. Age?
  2. Are you?
  3. Are you a Member?

Main Questions

  1. Do you know about the spawning grounds and spawning times for fish species located in the territory and/or in your area of interest?
  2. Do you traditionally harvest salmon for winter food?
  3. What species of Salmon do you rely on for food during the year? (Check ALL that apply)
  4. Other than salmon, what other species of freshwater fish do you rely on for food during the year? (Check ALL that apply)
  5. Which watershed do you gather fish from? (Check ALL that apply)
  6. How do you harvest fish? (Check ALL that apply)
  7. Typically, do you harvest fish year round?
  8. Do you normally use the same areas to harvest fish?
  9. Do you practice catch and release?
  10. How do you get information about fisheries within the territory? (Check ALL that apply)
  11. Are you aware of the BC fishing regulations within the Omineca management zone (7A)?
  12. Are you willing to participate in specific fish sampling programs?
  13. Do you believe that more pressure has been put on fisheries in general in the territory?
  14. Do you have concerns about any industrial activities within the territory that may impact fish or your fishing rights?


Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [Insert Contacts Here].